Lawn Care & Grass Seeds

Grass Seeds

We are proud to be stockist of quality lawn grass seeds from Valley Seeds based in Yarck. Valley Seeds specialize in blends of grass seeds for Victorian conditions.

Defiant XRE Tall Fescue

This blend has excellent drought, wear, frost and heat tolerance.

Ideal for lawns and playgrounds.

1kg box - $25

Turbocote Kikuyu

This is 100% Kikuyu grass, which is very drought tolerant and hard wearing.

Suitable for lawns, playgrounds and nature strips.

1kg bag - $83

Turbocote Couch Blend

A warm season grass that grows rapidly, while having good wear resistance and drought tolerance.

1kg bucket/bag - $52

Lawn & Nature Strip Blend

Ideal choice for nature strips and lawns. It has superior wear resistance and a quality result.

5kg bag - $55
20kg bag - $180

All Season Kikuyu Blend

This lawn seed establishes quickly and has great wear tolerance.

5kg bag - $90

Lawn Care

Worm Hit Quickstarter

100% natural and organic product that improves soil structure and slow releases nutrients.

Ideal for use on lawns, but also suitable for garden beds, veggie gardens, fruit trees and pot plants.

2.5kg bag - $10 each or 2 for $18
5kg bag - $20 each or 2 for $38